Saturday, April 30, 2011


We had a low key Easter at home this year. It was nice to relax and enjoy the Sabbath.

I made Nathan a really cute little tie a few weeks ago, but this is seriously the only picture of him wearing it I could get. The kid just does NOT sit still! His new favorite thing is to put two binkies in and run around. He thinks he’s so funny! Oh boy.




Nathan was excited to see what the Easter Bunny left him.


Once he found a car in his basket, nothing else really mattered.


Ryan made our entire beautiful Easter dinner while I stayed in bed. What would I do without such an amazing man?!


After dinner, we did a small Easter egg hunt around the house for Nathan. He caught on pretty quick and we’re still playing the “hide the egg” game on a daily basis.




(Look! I really was there too!)


Jennifer Epperson said...

I want to leave you a comment, but I just don't know what to say. I think it's because it's almost midnight. I'm glad you post the pictures and info though!

trishaz said...

I love the ideas Nathan gets - running with both binkies, hide-the-egg every day. Gotta love that crazy kid! Glad you all had a good Easter and really glad my son learned to cook and loves it (like his dad).