Friday, April 22, 2011


This past week I suffered a miscarriage. Our hearts are broken. I am finally starting to feel better physically, but I know it will be a long process to recover emotionally. Right now, we are grateful for a knowledge of eternal families, and for all the tender mercies that have been given to us. For one, since Ryan hasn’t found a job yet, he has been home with me 24/7. He’s done all the cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Nathan.

Right now, we are at home, spending time together and trying to heal. I have good days, and bad days, good moments and bad moments. I’m just grateful to know that Jesus Christ died for me and that He felt my pain (both physical and emotional). That knowledge will help me heal in time.


Fox and Amy said...

Heather--I am so so sorry for your loss. It's so heartbreaking. I will be praying for you and your sweet little family.

Melinda said...

It helped me to know that people I cared about had gone through the same thing, so if it helps you, I truly know how you feel and I understand how hard it is. I'm sorry it happened, I'm glad you know who to turn to, to be comforted. It seemed like after I had my miscarriage that I had a whole bunch of opportunities to talk to other people who were going through similar sadness and that really built me up and helped me heal. Hugs to you from me!

Kelsey said...

I know firsthand that this is a difficult time for you but I know you have the strength to get through it.
Take the time to count your blessings and cherish your son and the Lord will bless you with another child when it is the right time. Although it is hard to see sometimes, He has a plan for us and it is for our good.
The worst thing you can do is blame yourself. Just know that you are greatly loved and being watched over as you go through this. Love you!

j and s (but mainly s) said...

Oh, Heather, I am so so sorry.

Unknown said...

So so sorry to hear about your loss. It must be so hard! Keep strong and carry on! We will keep you in our prayers!

Mrs Abbott said...

Heather, I am so sorry. One thing that helped me when I went through our miscarriage last year was this website- It helped to know what others went through. You will be in our thoughts and prayers! We love you!

Brianne said...

It just sucks. I hate that feeling. To lose someone you've never met that you love so much. I'm sorry you had to go through this too.

Joanie said...

Heather...This IS a sad time. You have lost a member of the family and all the dreams you had for this one. Plus you have the hormonal drop. Lots of tears. I pray you have peace and comfort soon...time will heal. And before you know it, you'll be pregnant again. Hang in there, though, during these tough days. We'll be praying for you.

Caitlinp said...

That is heartbreaking. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you.

Beck said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Heather. I know what you're going through...Just know that you're loved, and you're not alone. Hang in there. Prayers coming your way.